The Edmonton Firefighter's Burn Treatment Society raises funds and awareness for research, treatment, and the recovery of thermal injuries since 1977.
The Burn Treatment Unit is where you will find highly educated, strongly motivated and extremely caring and dedicated individuals who give of themselves to the burn survivors and their families when they need it.
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The Center High Fire Truck Pull is a fun event that raises money for the burn treatment society.
Teams of students compete to see who can pull the fire truck the fastest. Click the link below to donate to the truck pull event:
Through hard work of fundraising and many great sponsors EFBTS was able to purchase a new LDI machine to improve the treatment of burn survivors on the Edmonton Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit at the University of Alberta Hospital.
A LDI machine is used to help support the clinical diagnosis of the depth of a burn injury. This critical piece of equipment can help diagnose the blood flow in a burn wound and the likelihood of a burn healing on it's own or the need for surgical intervention.
Thank you everyone that supported and helped us to reach our goal of raising $100,000.00 for this project!
Stay tuned for our next fundraising initiative
The Edmonton Firefighter's Burn Treatment Society raises funds and awareness through many local events in the greater Edmonton area. Please look at our events page to see what events were are hosting or who we are partnering with to raise funds. Our events are fun and engaging events that allow the community to interact and help support a great cause!
View Event Lists
DATE: Saturday, May 3, 2025 - Cocktail Hour 5:00-6:00 , Dinner at 6:30pm LOCATION: Fantasyland Hotel Ballroom TICKETS SALE DATE: February 1,2025 at 10:00AM Tickets purchased include a table for 10 guests, plated dinner, open bar, access to raffle and 50/50 prizes, and entertainment from the 2025 Turn Up The Heat firefighters! Ticket Prices Front - $2,000 Middle - $1,800 Back - $1,600
We would love for you to be part of this amazing event on Wednesday, August 20th, 2025 at Edmonton Petroleum Golf & Country Club. There are many sponsorship opportunities as well as the need for auction donations. There will be contests, prizes, a silent auction, breakfast, lunch and entertainment. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!
Advancing the health of Albertans by connecting generosity to support innovation and excellence at the U of A Hospital, Edmonton Clinic and Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute.
Thank you to Shell Scotford for your amazing support and $52,000 donation through your Goal Zero Program in 2021!
Valleyview Fire Department has supported EFBTS since 1984 and to commemorate the 40 years of commitment and dedication they donated $40,000
Double diamond electronics supports the Edmonton Firefighter Burn Treatment Society
In 2024 they donated $20,000 to AFFBC, and featured EFBTS on their Give, Amplify, Connect Podcast
Thank you to our retirees who continue to support EFBTS.
Thank you to Easter Seals for being the host camp location for the Alberta Firefighters Burn Camp for Children and supporting EFBTS.
Thank you to West Edmonton Mall for your continued support for our Turn Up the Heat Calendar Events.
Atco has been one of our longest and most commited sponsors. We could not do the work we do without them.
Edmonton Civic Employees Charitable Assistance Fund to date have sponsored over $700,000 supporting education, upgrades to the burn unit and burn research lab.
Every year Empire Iron Works Ltd. hosts a golf tournament in which we invite their clients, vendors and employees to have a fun filled day of golf and raising funds for a charity within our community. We are proud of our 4 year partnership.
SYC Brewing Co. collaborated with Firefighters from Station no.23 to create the No.23 brew. 100% of proceeds from sales of this beer went to EFBTS.
Centre High partners with EFBTS for the Annual Centre High Truck pull with shares of proceeds from the engaging fun event going to EFBTS.
Thank you to Johnson Insurance for donating $10,000 to EFBTS in 2022 and stepping up to help support our annual golf tournament.
Oil City Mechanical supports EFBTS by running fundraising campaigns that donate $100 from each furnace/AC installation to EFBTS.
Thank you to Petsmart who participates in our Stuff-A-Truck event by donating plush toys to be given to children who are admitted to the Edmonton Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit or received care in out Acute Burn Clinic.
CDI College raised more than $12,600 for the Edmonton Firefighters' Burn Treatment Society (EFBTS)