• Address : XingAn Street No.287
  • Phone : (+086)-123-456-78910
  • Email :
  • Skype : dnngo-linda


The Firefighters Burn Treatment Society, Edmonton Chapter, is managed and supported by firefighters who volunteer and dedicate their time. As with all other non-profit organizations we are facing an ever-increasing demand for limited resources and volunteer support. We can not thank you enough for your support of this vital charity. The Firefighters Burn Treatment Society has essentially no overhead or administrative costs, we are managed and operated by firefighters who volunteer their time. At the conclusion of our annual year long campaign, ending December 31st; all funds received are presented to the Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit at The University of Alberta Hospital at our Annual General Meeting and Luncheon held in spring.

We designate that the funds are be used to support research, treatment and recovery. This includes the purchase of new and specialized equipment, ensuring enhanced patient care. It allows for the continuing education of burn unit staff to remain current and share new treatment techniques. We also designated funds to the support The Alberta Fire Fighters Burn Camp.

Donate to EFBTS

Current Fundraising Project - LDI Machine

We are currently collecting donations to purchase a new LDI machine to improve the treatment of burn survivors on the Edmonton Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit at the University of Alberta Hospital. 

A LDI machine is used to help support the clinical diagnosis of the depth of a burn injury. This critical piece of equipment can help diagnose the blood flow in a burn wound and the likelihood of a burn healing on it's own or the need for surgical intervention. 

The current machine in use at the Edmonton Firefighter Burn Treatment Unit is outdated and requires a significant amount of time to complete a scan. During the scan time the patient must remain still with their burns exposed to be able to obtain a accurate scan. This can be difficult and uncomfortable for patients of all ages, however more so with pediatric patients. A new LDI machine would allow scans to be completed in the time it takes to take a picture and would overall improve the experience and care of patients of all ages.

Join with us and help us to reach our goal of raising $100,000.00 for this project!  Donate by clicking on the button above and please specify with your donation that it is for the LDI Machine.


Current Fundraising Project - LDI Machine

Previuously Funded Projects

Calming Cart

Over the past few years we have seen an increasing number of pediatric burns come through our Acute Burn Clinic on the Edmonton Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit. Having a burn dressing change can be quite a scary and stressful experience for our pediatric patients and their families, not only from pain but from also being in a medical environment.

Our Burn Unit Occupational Therapists wanted to find a way to make the experience of dressing changes less scary and came up with our Edmonton Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit Calming Cart! This cart helps provide visual and auditory distraction during dressing changes. It also has fidget items and interactive toys that can be used with children of all ages to help provide tactile distraction as well. Having the Calming Cart set up prior to patients arriving in the clinic and running while they wait to be seen also helps to reduce anxiety of being in a medical environment!

Previuously Funded Projects

Compassionate Cart

Since January 2020 EFBTS has funded the Compassionate Cart on the Edmonton Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit. Funds from EFBTS helped to purchase and setup the cart; and continue to ensure the cart remains stocked.

This particular cart makes a large difference for some families that are on the Burn unit. ThebCompassionate Cart is fully stocked with items that families may need when they are with a family member who is receiving end of life care. These items include a variety of snacks and drinks; including a coffee maker and supplied for tea, juice, and water.

When a family has a loved in that is nearing the end of their life they want to stay at the bedside at all times. The Compassionate Cart enables this and allows the unit to support family during this difficult time.

Thanks to your donations to EFBTS we are able to continue to support the needs of patients, patient families, and staff on the Edmonton Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit.

Compassionate Cart

Nikon Immunofluorescence Microscope

This micorscope allows for different parts of cells to be labeled with fluourescent dye so when taking photos of the cells different labeled parts of the cell will light up.

How does this translate to Burn Care and Research?

Our physicians in the lab use this microscope to study burn scar characterisitcs as well as experiemental treatments on burn scar. The microscope allows our physicians to identify the cells and features of burn scar that are different from normal skin and also track and identify the impacts of treatments on the scar tissue cells.

In using the the micorscope through research the lab is able to continue work on improving the treatment of burn scars post burn injury and improve quality of life for our survivors. 

Nikon Immunofluorescence Microscope

Thank you to all our wonderful sponsors!

University Hospital Foundation

University Hospital Foundation

Advancing the health of Albertans by connecting generosity to support innovation and excellence at the U of A Hospital, Edmonton Clinic and Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute.

Shell Scotford

Shell Scotford

Thank you to Shell Scotford for your amazing support and $52,000 donation through your Goal Zero Program in 2021!

Park Derochie

Park Derochie

Park Derochie contributes regularly to numerous sectors including school programs, youth sports, health foundations, charities and community programs. This has included $25,000 to The Ablerta Fire Fighters Burn Camp. Thank You



Thank you to our retirees who continue to support EFBTS.

Easter Seals

Easter Seals

Thank you to Easter Seals for being the host camp location for the Alberta Firefighters Burn Camp for Children and supporting EFBTS.

West Edmonton Mall

West Edmonton Mall

Thank you to West Edmonton Mall for your continued support for our Turn Up the Heat Calendar Events.



Atco has been one of our longest and most commited sponsors. We could not do the work we do without them.



Double diamond electronics supports the Edmonton Firefighter Burn Treatment Society



Edmonton Civic Employees Charitable Assistance Fund to date have sponsored over $700,000 supporting education, upgrades to the burn unit and burn research lab.



Every year Empire Iron Works Ltd. hosts a golf tournament in which we invite their clients, vendors and employees to have a fun filled day of golf and raising funds for a charity within our community. We are proud of our 4 year partnership.

SYC Brewing Co.

SYC Brewing Co.

SYC Brewing Co. collaborated with Firefighters from Station no.23 to create the No.23 brew. 100% of proceeds from sales of this beer went to EFBTS.

Centre High

Centre High

Centre High partners with EFBTS for the Annual Centre High Truck pull with shares of proceeds from the engaging fun event going to EFBTS.

Johnson Insurance

Johnson Insurance

Thank you to Johnson Insurance for donating $10,000 to EFBTS in 2022 and stepping up to help support our annual golf tournament.

Oil City Mechanical

Oil City Mechanical

Oil City Mechanical supports EFBTS by running fundraising campaigns that donate $100 from each furnace/AC installation to EFBTS.

Beanzilla Coffee

Beanzilla Coffee

Beanzilla Coffee has partnered with EFBTS with donating $1 from every bag of their Frontliner blend to EFBTS.

Petsmart Charities

Petsmart Charities

Thank you to Petsmart who participates in our Stuff-A-Truck event by donating plush toys to be given to children who are admitted to the Edmonton Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit or received care in out Acute Burn Clinic.



CDI College raised more than $12,600 for the Edmonton Firefighters' Burn Treatment Society (EFBTS)