The story of Burn Awareness Week begins in 2013 with Spencer Beach. It was then that the burn survivor and bestselling author began donating 5% of his book sales to support burn research. His book, “In Case of Fire”, recounts the story of his accident and his journey through healing. To date, Spencer has donated a total of $7,103.54.
In 2019, Spencer combined forces with fellow burn survivor Kelly Falardeau to continue raising funds for burn research. After their first year of efforts, they raised over $5,000. Since its inception, Burn Awareness Week has raised more than $12,000. With the continued support from sponsors and community donations, this is just the beginning of what’s possible to help raise awareness and assist those navigating their healing journey.
Spencer and Kelly have come together in recent years during Burn Awareness Week to not only share their stories with the public but also to provide education on burn injury prevention and provide a glimpse into what it’s like to recover from an injury and living with scars from both a physical and emotional level. Through their programming during Burn Awareness Week, Spencer and Kelly also work on raising money for the Edmonton Firefighters Burn Treatment Society to further burn research and treatment at the Edmonton Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit at the University of Alberta Hospital.
Donate In Honour of Burn Awareness Week
Alberta recognizes February 5 to 11, 2023 as Burn Awareness Week, a time to support burn survivors and to educate our communities about the dangers and hazards of thermal and chemical burn injuries.
Your donations help to support one of the best burn facilities in North America and Burn Camp, a unique opportunity for children with burn injuries to make lasting memories and friends.
Spencer and Kelly will be doing presentations at the following schools:
Ormsby School – EdmontonPrescott Learning Centre – Spruce GroveJoan Carr School – EdmontonJoey Moss School – EdmontonBeacon Heights School – EdmontonMcArthur School – EdmontonHazeldean School – EdmontonQueen Alexandra School – Edmonton
Spencer Beach was the quintessential employee as a third generation flooring installer and among the best in his field. He worked hard every day balancing his employer’s needs and the customers’ desires while delivering a timely and quality job. Then he endured a horrific flash fire that left him permanently and severely scarred. After spending 14 months in the hospital and five years of rehabilitation and retraining, he is now a Construction Safety Officer and completed with distinction the University of Alberta’s “Faculty of Extensions, Occupational Health & Safety Certificate” program. Spencer now uses his trade experience and safety knowledge to speak to peoples’ hearts and reach their behaviours. Spencer has been an international professional speaker for 17 years, delivered over 1,500 presentations and is a bestselling author with his book “In Case of Fire”. He is also Co-Chair of an annual Burn Awareness Week charity campaign, volunteers to motivate severely injured people, was awarded the 2013 Avenue Magazine “Top 40 Under 40” for his community work and was the first recipient of the “Award of Courage” through Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital.
Kelly Falardeau has been a burn survivor since the age of two, with burns on 75% of her body. She found a way to go from near-death to success; from the “ugly scar-faced girl” to the TEDx stage twice, Fierce Woman of the Year, a 8-times International Best-Selling Author, recipient of the “Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee” medal & YWCA “Woman of Distinction”. A documentary about her life story called “Still Beautiful” launched on TV plus Goalcast launched a video that has over 10 million views. Now, she’s a full-time Best-Selling Author Strategist, coaching people to become best-selling authors. On Christmas Day, 2020, Global TV announced Kelly as one of the “Most Inspirational People of 2020” and recently she became an Award-Winning Virtual Speaker.
Advancing the health of Albertans by connecting generosity to support innovation and excellence at the U of A Hospital, Edmonton Clinic and Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute.
Thank you to Shell Scotford for your amazing support and $52,000 donation through your Goal Zero Program in 2021!
Park Derochie contributes regularly to numerous sectors including school programs, youth sports, health foundations, charities and community programs. This has included $25,000 to The Ablerta Fire Fighters Burn Camp. Thank You
Thank you to our retirees who continue to support EFBTS.
Thank you to Easter Seals for being the host camp location for the Alberta Firefighters Burn Camp for Children and supporting EFBTS.
Thank you to West Edmonton Mall for your continued support for our Turn Up the Heat Calendar Events.
Atco has been one of our longest and most commited sponsors. We could not do the work we do without them.
Double diamond electronics supports the Edmonton Firefighter Burn Treatment Society
Edmonton Civic Employees Charitable Assistance Fund to date have sponsored over $700,000 supporting education, upgrades to the burn unit and burn research lab.
Every year Empire Iron Works Ltd. hosts a golf tournament in which we invite their clients, vendors and employees to have a fun filled day of golf and raising funds for a charity within our community. We are proud of our 4 year partnership.
SYC Brewing Co. collaborated with Firefighters from Station no.23 to create the No.23 brew. 100% of proceeds from sales of this beer went to EFBTS.
Centre High partners with EFBTS for the Annual Centre High Truck pull with shares of proceeds from the engaging fun event going to EFBTS.
Thank you to Johnson Insurance for donating $10,000 to EFBTS in 2022 and stepping up to help support our annual golf tournament.
Oil City Mechanical supports EFBTS by running fundraising campaigns that donate $100 from each furnace/AC installation to EFBTS.
Beanzilla Coffee has partnered with EFBTS with donating $1 from every bag of their Frontliner blend to EFBTS.
Thank you to Petsmart who participates in our Stuff-A-Truck event by donating plush toys to be given to children who are admitted to the Edmonton Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit or received care in out Acute Burn Clinic.
CDI College raised more than $12,600 for the Edmonton Firefighters' Burn Treatment Society (EFBTS)